
819A Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

Phone:(415) 781 - 4682

Email us at: RwongYCWongKungFu@gmail.com

Studio News

Take the step into yourself, join our amazing community of people. Call or email about information about our classes.

Change your body and health with our kung fu classes

New student information:

  • To view a class please call or email us to make appointment.
  • New students should arrive 10-15 minutes early to take care of first time registration paperwork.
  • Please bow when you enter the studio and bow to Sifu (See-foo) Wong. This is an ancient practice and shows respect.
  • Make sure for your first class to arrive for our "Basics" class time on our schedule.
  • Wear proper attire. We have uniforms available for purchase. If you can not purchase one right away, wear black T-shirt, black sweat pants and tennis shoes. Please do not wear yoga gear as it tends to be too tight to move around in.
  • Please pay your dues on time. Monthly membership is due in the first week of each month.
  • Notify your Instructor of any injuries or medical conditions that may affect your training.

Practice Guidelines:

  • Show respect to Sifu and elder students, they are there to help you.
  • Keep your uniform along with your body fresh and clean.
  • Do not request to learn more. It is the Instructor’s decision when you are ready to learn the next part of the curriculum and they will teach you when they deem fit.
  • Remove all jewelry prior to class time in order to prevent any accidental injuries (torn out earrings, cuts to classmates from rings...etc.)
  • Do not come to class if you are sick. Wait until you have fully recovered to return to class.
  • Do not copy or practice any techniques you have not been taught.
  • Stay hydrated. Filtered water is available at the school or you are welcome to bring your own.
  • Please do not touch weapons that you have not been taught.
  • For sparring, use light contact and control, no full contact.

What to expect:

  • Learning kung fu will take some time. At first you will be going very slow, learning basic techniques.
  • To have your legs and knees to be very sore for the first 6 months.
  • To get a lot of individual attention. Our teaching staff and senior students will make sure you are doing every move perfect.
  • Not to spar or do contact based fighting for awhile. Our kung fu is more about health and fitness. Sparring comes after you have mastered the basics.
  • To practice alot. To attain a level of good kung fu, you must practice a lot. Plan to make practice at least 3-4 times a week.


Copyright 2000 - 2002 Y.C. Wong Kung Fu Studio
All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced without the written consent of Y.C. Kung Fu Studio.